Mississippi Artist
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NOTE My BIO is under active construction.
Most 2007 and recent events are documented under
For info regarding pre-1980 Poetry Performance,
Installation Art, Live Art/Performance Art, etc.,
please send specific queries to
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
1959-1963 OHIO
Vice-President/Treasurer, American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), Chicago Chapter, which promotes the interests of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender American veterans for 10 years.
RTC Great Lakes, IL
Radioman “A” School Bainbridge, MD
U.S. Naval Air Station Guantanamo Bay, CUBA
USS America (CVA 66)
Dominican Republic Conflict
Middle East Crisis(6-Day War/USS Liberty)(1967)
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Navy Unit Commendation Medal
Republic of Viet Nam Campaign Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
1993 MA Northwestern Univ. (GPA 4.0/4.0)
HONORS: With Highest Distinction.
1990 BS Northwestern Univ. (GPA 4.0/4.0)
HONORS: Alpha Sigma Lambda
National Honor Society.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Rose-Croix University. Certificate of Attendance. "This is to certify that TRAVIS DOBBS having attended the lectures presented by the faculty of the University in MYSTERIES OF MITHRAS & CREATIVE WRITING has been judged worthy to receive this Certificate. IN TESTIMONY THEREOF we have affixed our names and the seal of the Rose-Croix University in the sanctum of the Imperator on this 7th day of July, A.D. 1979, R.C. 3332 Dean/Janice Lynn Hoye Chancellor/Ralph M. Lewis.
THU - SUN. Seventh International Human Unity Conference. "Celebration Of The Human Family." Chicago. Conversation with Harbhajan Singh Khalsa JogiJi. I missed the First International Symposium On Androgyny" held 27-29JUN80 in San Diego.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
05JAN80 P.Michael Grego formed ONO. travis provided name,
ONOMATOPOEIA, to maximize flexibility, to act out
various punishments derived from verbal inference,
cognition and reinforcement, and to vigorously
distinguish [ONO] organized noise from Music.
Grego: Leader/Guitar/Bass/Keyboards/Noise
Mark Berrend: Guitar
Travis Dobbs: LapSteel Guitar/Words/Voice/Noise
Plus: (1) Harvey (NU student poet; left for Israel)
(2) Hallene (Shakespearean actress; vanished;
reemerged years later at Lawless Gardens)
=P.Michael: Veteran Chicago Soul Musician with Classical training
INFLUENCES: (1) Suicide suffering and death of people other than ourselves (2) Pomp and Circumstance (3) The Third World (4) Glamour (i.e., Loretta Young)
FUTURE: ONO assembled to provide music for "The Nigger Queen" and became an Experimental musical ensemble by accident.
^^^[EXPLANATORY NOTE from travis: "The Nigger Queen" is a monumental literary/sound performance begun on a sojourn across the US to study at Rose-Croix (Rosicrucian) University, San Jose, CA ca.1979. It remains unfinished.]
ONO: To fuse Gospel and Experimental. Is this Avant or just garage.
ONO has an elusive female vocalist, part-time Shakespearean actress, when she can be found and spirited from Lawless Gardens.
ONO would love to find a capable, yet primitive, drummer.
To Come: Church Performances.
=Mark Berrend: Artist
INFLUENCES: All Experience.
PARTICULARS: Thunder and lightning storms. Wind-driven lake water on rocks. Ambience. Understanding gained through Experimentation and Discovery. Cora. P.My.
=Travis Dobbs: Kundalini Sikh. Kun Tao Orange Sash. Data Communications Supervisor.
INFLUENCES: Mississippi. U.S. Navy. Akron University 1969-72. American Kung-Fu Karate Federation. Stacy Myatt (writer). Lajos Egri writing techniques. Miss Cinderella Backstreet performance announcements.
FUTURE: ZIN. Zin are Ironman. Seen by mortals only after spying seven streams, brothers crossing. Air aethers above and below the sea the serpentine Lord OlOkun. All the same a killer. An arch within an archdream; architectural groin; with just a gist of genius. Regeneration of landscapes. The true and just patron designer of musics and perpendicular dancers attendant. Thus, One: ZIN is Balance. Air. Water. Motor irony. Immortality unclouded by daybreak.
ONO STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ---------------------
Experimental Performance, NOISE, and
Industrial Poetry Performance Band;
Exploring Gospel's Darkest Conflicts,
Tragedies and Premises.
24OCT80 ONO Opens for Special Affect. Wizards Dance Club.
Special Affect record release party. P.Michael Grego, Mark Berrend, travis. Intro by Deborah Cadavre.
13FEB81 "My Experimental Valentine." Lincoln Hall, Northwestern Univ. School of Law (NULS). P.Michael, Mark, travis. Dedicated to Dan Polsby. Sound/Poetry. Intro by Stephen Presser. Videotape.
12APR81 Palm Sunday. Northwestern Univ. Chicago Campus Spring Fling 1981. 850 N. LakeShoreDr. Art, music (poetry by travis set to ONO sounds). P.Michael, Mark, travis.
30APR81 "Muzak for The Carmichaels." Club 950/Lucky Number. P.Michael, Mark, travis. Intro by Ric Graham of Clutch Cargo.
26JUN81 Benefit for Prop Theatre Corps/N. Lincoln Ave., Chgo.
Sound/Poetry/Mime. Intro by Ric Graham/Clutch Cargo.
08JUL81 ONO Opens for End Result. OurLadyofMercyMission. "Sacred Music" for Irish Protestant/Catholic students touring USA. P.Michael, Shannon, travis. Intro by Ric Graham.
11JUL81 WZRD Picnic/NorthEasternILUniv. P.Michael, Shannon Rose Riley, Ric, travis.
08AUG81 Missy's Birthday Party/Glencoe. P.Michael, Shannon, Ric, LouAnne, Kurt, travis.
12SEP81 12-13SEP/Hedden West Studios, Schaumburg, IL. Recorded "Machines That Kill People" b/w "The Model Bride" & "Bushy-Bushy." Produced by ONO and Al Jourgensen. P.Michael, Shannon, Ric, travis.
02OCT81 ONO Opens for Snakefinger. Club Misfits. "Avant-garde." P.Michael, Shannon, Ric, travis.
16OCT81 NULS. " Farewell Farewell Thorne Hall." "Woman After Death." Art, chants, dance, vintage film, gossip, sound, music, ritual of lights, ritual of leaves, submission theatre. Organized by travis/ONO, and funded by NULS. Players: End Result; P.Michael, Shannon, Ric, Kurt, LouAnne, Ron, Phil and "Company" and travis.
31DEC81 Misfits/ONO New Year's Show. C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D!
"Too Avant-Garde"/"VOO-DOO"/"Primitive"/"Inaccessible"
31DEC81 "A Suite for Christmass"/Cassette
12FEB82 "ZADA" @ Lincoln Hall/NULS. Dedicated to John Cage.
11MAR82 "ONO Introduces ZEK! to the Shannon Rose Review." Lucky Number. Dedicated to Al Jourgensen.
18MAR82 The Great Hall 850 Lake Shore Dr. Spring Fling Fest. ONO Presents "X-Ray": "ZA" / "ZEK" / "ZINNIA" / "ZUNI"
10MAY82 P.Michael awarded BA w/Honors/Roosevelt Univ.
10MAY82 Travis Dobbs/Ken Withers "Interview" Art Exhibition. Levy Mayer Hall. NULS. 10MAY82-16MAY82.
29MAY82 Armadillo Day 1982. NUEvanston Campus/Substrata. ONO performs "Albino" and "X-Ray." P.Michael, Ric, travis.
SUMMER82 Outdoor Series:
24JUL82 WallaceBowl. Party for Ron Zisook.
31AUG82 KenoshoWI. Lerner-Scott Co. "ONO On The Beach."
14AUG82 SmithArcadeNULS
07AUG82 HeddenWestStudios to edit "Machines That Kill People."
1982 LP/"Machines that Kill People"
ONO/Thermidor Records
29AUG82 Earotica Interview, first of two by Diana Blackwell
29AUG82 "Be That Way" publication party. Dan Quigley presents literary work of five Chicago writers, including travis. Artist-In-Residence, 6165 N. Winthrop. ONO performed "Gypsy Metamorphosis," "Saturday Date" and "Albino."
23SEP82 My Birthday. ONO @ the Lucky Number. Two ONO shows: 2200/PROFANE: "Danger"/"Kak Klak"/".22Calibre"/"Machines That Kill People"/"OJackieO"/"The Model Bride"/"Bushy-Bushy"/"Aloe Cramps." Midnight/SACRED: "Pyramid of Drums"/"I Wonder Why"/"Oppenheimer." Introductions in German, and Films by David Magdziarz.
12NOV82 Earotica Video/Interview. Greg Johnson
18NOV82 Club Exit/ONO for Earotica. "They Say We Are In Heaven." "VAdm Morrison"/"OJackieO"/"Oppenheimer." Intro by LouAnne Ponder.
27NOV82 ONO@Mickey Stanzler's/Wilmette, IL. "Suburban Stereo" Psychedelic dance party at 422 Laurel/Wilmette. Films by Magdziarz. Performances by X Meets Y For The Evening (Ron & LouAnne), End Result (Alan, Ron, Steve), ONO (P.Michael, Ric, travis). Introductions by Hallene Brooks, Ric Graham and David Magdziarz.
30DEC82 ONO for Lydia Lunch. Club Metro (formerly Stages Music Hall). ONO, MarkO & Leslie Steven open for Lydia Lunch. "En Jointe"/VAdm Morrison"/"Aloe Cramps"/"Little Drummer Boy." P.Michael, Ric, travis.
31DEC82 ONO @ Elaine's/1216 W. Grand/Chgo. "Auld Lang Syne"/"X-Ray." P.Michael, Ric, travis.
"Kate Cincinnatti" Cassette. $10, mail order
ONO studies multi-track recoding techniques @ SAIC
ONO joins NewMusicChgo & Cncl on Fine Arts
ONO records sound for SAIC student sculpture show
14APR83 Forrest Fang's "Elevator Music" with: travis reciting children's poetry/Dr. Gary Johnson/Joshua Paul/Dr. Carol Rose (recorders)/Mark Small. Elevators @ 850 N. Lake Shore Drive.
19MAY83 Club Exit/Ken Withers B-day Party: "Omissions With Forbearance" by Forrest Fang. With: travis/Johnson/Paul/Rose/Small + Elizabethan Performance Art.
25MAY83 ONO @Smart Bar. "Queen of the Ministry." "But who will represent the children of shattered values." P.Michael, Ric, travis.
28MAY83 ONO Plays Armadillo Day1983/NU/Evanston Landfill Stage.
31MAY83 "VAdm. Morrison" Video. ONO directed by: Barbara Ardzeck (UIC) and Eric Zimmerman Daiku (SAIC). Second of two videotapes. First filmed 14MAY83.
JUN1983 "ONO: They Say They Are From Heaven." By Diana Blackwell. Earotica Magazine at p.3.
08JUL83 ONO @Randolph St. Gallery/"ONOmatopoeia Before Music." Prayers dedicated to the soul of Aleister Crowley. "The Highlight of Suicide is Alternating Current"/"AhHa"/"OHaNaMaNiMaNiTatSat"/"The Model Bride"/"Ashley Knight"/"The History of the Creation According to Moses"/"Oramega"/"Erudite Transvesteen"/"The Technitronic Widowmakers Drag On"/"Bushy-Bushy." Performance actually begins in the RSG basement, and ONO processes (wearing matching golden and red silk vestments) with great NOISY fanfare, up the stairs to the audience level. Organ loft built for P.Michael's organ. All Art, Chants, Gossip, Sculpture, Light Installations (8ft. cross/crucifix shadowplay), etc., designed and executed by ONO. P.Michael, Ric, travis.
--JUL83 ONO interviewed in the home of Mr./Mrs. Scott Michaelsen.
15JUL83 Chicago Reader at p.16: "Chicago's Best Kept Secret." By Scott Michaelsen. Review of 08JUL83 RSG show.
23JUL83 ONO @The NOISE Factory. "A Big Deal." ONO opens for 12 Performance Art groups. ONO renders an eight minute performance of "VAdm Morrison"/chants/percussion NOISE.
06AUG83 ONO @Champaign Urbana
14AUG83 ONO @the N.Clark St. Art Festival (Folk Stage)
15SEP83 ONO @The Sex Show: Cultural Perspectives on Sexuality in Society. JOZ Penthouse/3730 N. Clark. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again" (Nurse Murphy)
23SEP83 My birthday. ONO @The "BEST of the Sex Show" JOZ Penthouse. C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D! Show stopped just as house lights went down and ONO took the stage (first band), "44th Ward Alderman Bernie Hansen called...." "People didn't like their [JOZ] advertising." "... [T]wo detectives came by to check the licenses...." "[T]he last night--the dicks came in and closed the show." See Chicago Reader "Hot Type/"Art Prevention" by Neil Tesser, 30SEP83, p.4.
Air play: ONO played regularly on WVVX, by MarkO & Bill Mehan.
06OCT83 ONO @UI Arts Week. Prof. Tommy Iomek's solo guitar performance preceeds ONO. Four brutish hecklers cut short Prof. Iomek's presentation. ONO takes the stage; creates a "pyramid of [100Watt] amps" plus, at the edge of the stage, three altars of chains hub caps and metal pipes, to open our set with "Danger." Was it my white wedding dress with train and veil or amplified metal/"noise" that frightened away the hecklers? Also performed "X"/"Albino"/"Pyramid of Drums"/"VAdm Morrison." P.Michael, Ric, travis.
1983 Helicon Journal Vol. IV, 1983. "How To Wear Long Dresses" Drawings (miniatures) by travis.
29OCT83 Germania Club/ONO for Bob Fischer's "Jaded Dragon." "AhHa"/"ConTaTe"/"Erudite Transvesteen"/"VAdm Morrison." A 15-Minute Performance. P.Michael, Ric, travis.
01NOV83 "Machines That Kill People" made available in CA.
02NOV83 "Machines That Kill People" available in Chicago at WaxTrax Records, Record Exchange and mail order from ONO.
02NOV83 Club950/Lucky Number plays selections from "Machines That Kill People" during "Industrial Night."
03NOV83 "Machines That Kill People" hand-delivered to WNUR-FM, WVVX-FM, WZRD-FM.
05NOV83 ONO on ABC-TV (Ch7). 1830. "Eye On Chicago."
01DEC83 "ONO: The Power of Positive Induction." By Dave Riley. Matter Magazine interview. Vol. 1, No. 6 Dec83.
01DEC83 AEON Music Magazine. "Machines That Kill People" reviewed by Bill Sharp. ".... Recommended."
10DEC83 ONO Opens for End Result. Live at The NOISE Factory. Intro by BrendanDeVallance. ONO Processional/Invocation. "The Model Bride"/"Day After Television"/"I Wonder Why." ONO shows off new golden ONO banners by Mickey Stanzler.
13DEC83 ONO on WVVX-FM. Record Release Party. "ONO On The Radio." 10PM-Midnight. Live from Highland Park, IL. DJ: Frank Rothschild. ONO: "Motherless Child"/"An Open Letter to JET Magazine (Jesse Jackson & Larry Flynt)"/"Deep River"/"Day After Television." An hour of questions and answers.
22DEC83 ONO Opens for ANU. CrossCurrents Music Hall. (Welcome home Mark Berrend)
01JAN84 ONO plays Marco DeOreo's Rollerskating Party. "OJackieO."
20JAN84 SAIC/"ConTaTe For ELSalvador." Noisy, liturgical processional of electronic amplification and various metals, on casters and very long cables, through SAIC corridors into SAIC performance gallery; staged on white lace
03FEB84 SFPIF Cabaret/Lowden Hall/NULS (video). "Danger"/"Go Down Moses." P.Michael, Ric, travis
MAR1984 ONO "Machines That Kill People" reviewed by Vittore Baroni in Rockerilla (in Italian). Thanks MarkO.
22MAR84 ONO Opens for End Result. Roosevelt Univ./Student Art Exhibition/Crown Center. "ZEK"/"OZ"/"The Technitronic Widowmakers Drag On"/"Go Down Moses." Videotape. P.Michael, Ric, travis
24MAR84 Wicker Park Art Gallery Benefit/Rose Freebird&Friends.
ONO discovered the stage/performance area was too small for ONO
sound and ONO audience. ONO left the "stage" to the musicians, and lit 21 candles and played in the cold, dark, moldy basement (2013 W.North): "The Litany of the Blessed Virgin;" "Old Water Tower" "Oxblood Zinc." Exquisite setting. At least two people wept.
11APR84 ElevatorMusicII: Forrest Fang, P.Michael Grego, Jeff Dickens, Jennifer Jones, Mark Small, travis
26APR84 Chicago Cultural Center Theatre. ONO Presents "The Model Bride." This is "A poetry performance in three movements: Those Who Have; Those Who Inherit; Those Who Take By Force: The Pavane/The Negro Folksong/Fantasia Finale." Thirty minutes of glamour and fashion dedicated to Marshall MacLuhan. New Music Chicago Spring Festival 1984. Presented by the Illinois Arts Council and New Music Chicago. Largest audience to date. Most receptive audience to date. Very Experimental performance. Processional through the theatre aisle using rusted chains and metal garbage can lids. On the stage, a full altar with white lace and lighted candles. Masks for all players. "Motherless Child"/"Fever"/"Danger." And, in the background, a pre-recorded version of "The Model Bride," looped, is heard. Documented by Alan Jones. P.Michael, Ric, travis.
12MAY84 ChgoInternationalArtExpo1984. NavyPier. ONO for Randolph St. Gallery. Lace and candlelight. VouDoun invocation by P.Michael. Enslavement of the Masses: Ric, pulls travis (wearing only athletic supporter) in a steel cage with steel pipes, and rusted CTA chains (processional) through the artistic confines of Navy Pier's Int'l expo. "O Ha Na MaNi-MaNi Tat Sat."
07JUN84 Club950/"Where is Genesis"/NINE (9) TV sets used for "The Technitronic Widowmakers Drag On." Brass solo. "Only One" read by P.Michael. Brass/String Duo. "OHolyNight"/"Only One" read by travis. "Albino"/"I Wonder Why." Ric/P.Michael Duo (cont'd). "Where is Genesis." "Give me Jezebel, I need NOT Beauty." "Aloe Cramps"/".22 Calibre"/"Art Institute Black"/"Queen of the Ministry"/"Only One" read by Ric. "Invocation:" Turn on 9 TV screens. "The Technitronic Widowmakers Drag On."/"Oxblood Zinc". Many ONO fans turned away at the door for lack of proper (IDentification).
14JUN84 Chicago Tribune first mention. Lynn VanMatre "Tempo Arts," Sec5, p.14. Advertising upcoming Chicago FILMMAKERS performance.
15JUN84 ChgoSun-Times first mention. "Night Life" by Dave Hoekstra: "OFFBEAT" "...Chicago's industrial music group ONO...." Advertising upcoming Chgo FILMMAKERS performance.
16JUN84 ONO @ FILMMAKERS. TIME ARTS. "Gypsy Metamorphosis." An "industrial" performance we are told. "New Music Performance: ONO: Chicago's industrial music group with an optimistic beat!" A pyramid of speaker systems accompanied two fire altars on white lace; steel and found instruments (chains, kitchen utensils, etc.). "Gypsy Metamorphosis" (pressure NOISES); Sacrifice: Beneath Confederate flags and Zantedeschia Aethiopica: (water NOISES); "Ashley Knight;" "Gypsy Metamorphosis" (heat NOISES); Flight: "Danger;" Sacrifice: "Saturday Date." Standing Room Only! ONO fans in the Lobby! An unplanned, unscripted, unexpected real-time life-altering "Confessional," earnestly spoken, from an unlikely, but long-time ONO fan. Terrifyingly monumental in its realness. ONO fans in the aisles! Marco DeOreo and many other ONO fans set up seating and listened in the alleyway behind FILMMAKERS.
23JUN84 ONO Plays the Solotroff Wedding. Rained out of the Evanston garden. Rain ended during ONO Invocation. Processional in vestments with candles, blessing of Bride and Groom (reading from The Book of Ritual). (1) The Priest. "O Jackie O" a capella. (2) Processional down the exquisitely decorated Solotroff staircase. The Bride. P.Michael on damaged organ. Ric as pompous, roving trumpeteer. travis as White Wedding. White satin/lace wedding gown with voluptuous train. Descended into the beautiful Solotroff Reception. Immediately into "Fever." "Return to Sorrento." (3) travis as The Lover. "Bushy-Bushy." White satin/lace pantaloons and mask of real fur.
01JUL84 Kalamazoo Michigan. ONO Opens for The New Beatles and Tavia Control. Charles Glen's Art Studio.
21JUL84 P.Michael Grego & John Bussa at Randolph Street Gallery. "Blue Money"/"Soulful Dress."
30JUL84 Ric & Mrs. Stanzler strongly object to travis's dresses, gowns and costumes (again).
--AUG84 travis Opens for Brian Imig. Artist In Residence.
AUG1984 ONO in studio and on location taping "The Model Bride."
03AUG84 ONO films "IMAGES" for Evanston Cable Network. Aired 14AUG.
11AUG84 ONO Presents "Olympia." The NOISE Factory. Benefit for Antidote Radio. Processional/opening to Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean." P.Michael read from Proverbs: "... You will be saved from the loose woman...." Processional: Ric & travis: "The Bride's Handbook." "The National Anthem. Videotaped by Mark Giangrande. Video widely distributed.
18SEP84 travis interviewed, at home at AIR, by Greg King/WBEZ. Thanks Jan Cole.
Aired 21SEP.
19SEP84 Hand-delivered promo materials to WBEZ @ 105 W. Adams/40th FL. Met Greg King at work. Introduced to Ken Davis, Program Director, who suggested ONO contact Ms. Johanna Wollken 890.8237 re: WBEZ "The Question Show" which WBEZ airs daily at 2PM.
21SEP84 ONO Plays Northwestern Univ. New Student Week/Swift Hall outdoor stage. "OZ" performed with every inch of stage floor and ground covered with giant US flags.
21SEP84 WBEZ airs Artist In Residence interviews of 18SEP84.
22SEP84 ONO on WNUR-FM. ONO plays live in hallway outside WNUR studios (decorated with traditional ONO white lace). NU Wildcats win football game beating the Hoosiers. Celebrations. Thus "Albino" noise degenerates into hysteria as Ric served chocolate fudge made by P.Michael for travis's birthday. Fans stop by WNUR studios. Many callers. Recorded by Mrs. Stanzler.
23SEP84 travis moves from Artist In Residence to roommate with Ric in 503 Custer Ave. #2, Evanston, IL. Tel:328.3321. Lamentations.
14OCT84 CubbyBearLounge. ONO show POSTPONED! According to CB owner, Chicago Cubs won Monday and the band's equipment was stolen; Cubs won Tuesday and Cubby Bear was routed. "We expect Cubs to win in San Diego tonight (Thur) and don't want to be responsible for ONO." Ric and travis ushered "upstairs" with Cubby Bear "guards." Cubby Bear thus disrespected P.Michael, Leader of ONO. Difficult negotiations. Decided to postpone ONO show until Halloween, an all ages show in lieu of a cash settlement or percentage of profits from tonight's would-be cancellation (contract).
26OCT84 ARCGallery. Benefit Masked Ball. Tix $12.50. "ONO, a Science Fiction Band." A curious Halloween party. Channel 5 filmed ONO twice! ONO equipment was UNPLUGGED when it overpowered the TV host. ONO played on with metal chains, metal garbage can tops, metal hub caps, etc. travis judged best costume.
31OCT84 All Hallow's Eve. ONO@CubbyBearLounge. "I've Got to Rock!" Sponsored by WNUR. ONO onstage at the outset of "Dynasty" with three TV sets. ONO show ended as credits rolled. Perfect timing. Intro by Tom Murphy/Kalamazoo. P.Michael as Lesley Gore "Little Girl Go Home." Draped CB in white lace, etc! Cruel drama after the ONO show. CB demanded money for sound. ONO provided our own sound, and received NO sound from CB, though our contract stated ONO would pay after the performance for sound to be in place by 6PM. It was not. ONO supplied doorman (contract) but CB demanded a cut of door. "No!" Physical threats against Mrs. Stanzler (ONO door person) by CB. ONO audience was then informed that the "under-age segment of the night's events were ended and under 21 must go. Gladly. Only four persons (of over 150 people) remained in CB for the two other acts, one of which (FTPLR) had requested ONO sound system. Endgame? ONO simply removed all the ONO equipment, then ONO removed all the money received at the door, and departed. Treatment was ugly, but other bands and bookers reported receiving the same behavior from CB. ONO rethinks venue choices; written contract, however brief, for every show.
11NOV84 Videotape(s). Evanston Township High School. Ric's class in writing for static camera. Class members particiated in technicals, though script was written for static camera. "En Jointe." Flags, lace, robes, masks and just a tetch of "Eraserhead." Performed in a 6ft square space.
13NOV84 Dress rehearsal: "Roll Away" a video for Steve Lambright and Mark Hejnar of WNUR.
17NOV84 Pick-Staiger Concert Hall. Alternative Music Festival. Presented by WNUR-FM. Skeleton Crew (w/Fred Frith and Tom Cora); Bird Songs of the Mesozoic; and ONO. ONO Presents "Oppenheimer in the White House." Dark theatre. travis in priest's vestments and jester's mask offered the ConTaTe from upper balcony, above Pick-Staiger stage; joined by processional of altar boys (Curtus Benton-Marr and Carlos Jimenez (Carlotta Del Rio)), white lace and candles. Presentation of the Colors. Louanne Ponder enters stage from lower level with ceremonial size US flag, joining three other flags decorating the stage floor. Ponder as Honor Guard wears black vinyl hip-length boots, athletic supporter, oversized brassiere (2ft-3ft "breasts," all white) and pale Ponder body covered in chalky paste of paint and white powder. Then, the final Procession: Ric and P.Michael with shiny new garbage cans, heavy metals into "Taps" played on brass. ONO performs "My Country Tis of Thee" and "Oppenheimer."
02DEC84 Studio. SAIC. "Art Institute Black" engineered by Charles Wirstrom.
07DEC84 Farewell, Farewell Ken Withers. Farewell, Farewell "Translucent Zen Bunnies." John Hall Spear III arrives in outrageous frock "dressed as travis!"
09DEC84 Studio. SAIC. "Night Time" engineered by Charles Wirstrom.
JAN1985 ONO "Kate Cincinnatti" reviewed by Trev Faul for OUTLET Magazine (Essex, UK), Issue 31.
-------------- "The ONO Experience" by Tim Cunningham. Article.
09FEB85 Video. "Roll Away" filmed. Mar-May edited by Ric/Steve.
07APR85 "Easter With ONO." Club WestEnd. ONO opens for BoyDirtCar, Shockabilly.
19APR85 ChgoCulturalCenter. NewMusicChgo SpringFest.
20APR85 Club Exit. SSPU/"Foul Play" C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D at last minute!
----APR85 Club Exit. SSPU/"Foul Play" travis sang "National Anthem" as a monumental
pane of glass is placed on the dance floor.
At the end of the noisy "National Anthem," the first ball is thrown out
shattering the glass in a spectacular wall of noises.
----APR85 Univ. of Chicago. SSPU/"Mr. Potatohead." Freshly-cooked mashed potatoes
smeared over everything, EVERYWHERE! Even in the grand piano.
25APR85 Film. "Ennui." Harper College/Palatine, IL
02MAY85 Club West End. ONO Opens for DotDotDot.
07MAY85 Univ. of Chicago. SSPU. Viet Nam 10th Anniversary Show.
(Someone set off an extremely repulsive stink bomb.
Cleared the house.)
11MAY85 ONO Opens for Pile Of Cows on their estate.
16MAY85 "Ennui" screened at Club Exit.
23MAY85 "Roll Away" screened in Swift Hall Auditorium NU/Evanston.
24MAY85 Jack Fishman's "Statue of Liberty" shown at his Lightwriters Neon Studio in Hubbard Woods.
travis sang "The National Anthem."
Summer ONO records/mixes second ONO lp "Ennui."
Acme Studios, Chicago, IL
1985 LP/"ENNUI"
ONO/Thermidor Records
05SEP85 JOZ Penthouse 3730 N Clark St., Chgo
13SEP85 Thorne Auditorium
14SEP85 AM. WZRD-FM. Live from WZRD Picnic
14SEP85 PM. Chicago Filmmakers
15SEP85 Kaleidoscope Klub 2222 Rand Rd, Palatine, IL
11OCT85 "Tie One On With Mickey." Exhibition and Sale of Neckties and Neckwear, celebrating the opening of Mickey Stanzler's, 674 N. Orleans, Chicago. One night only: FRI 11OCT85 6-10PM. Featuring an exhibit of more than 200 neckties from the private collection of Travis. (Travis is a member of ONO, who will perform that evening.) Exhibit by all attending. Wear one (or more) necktie of your own creation. Sell. Make your own (materials will be provided.) [See Flyers]
1985 Cabaret Voltaire
1986 Travis Dobbs, Secretary, Northwetern Univ.
School of Law, Chicago Campus Employee of the Year
Thanks to Deans Louise Love and Robert Bennett:
Travis Dobbs enters Northwestern's University College
1987: Travis Dobbs, by Cook Co. Ct. order, becomes travis
In the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois
The Petition of Travis Stegall AKA Travis Dobbs
For Change of Name. [Petition] NO. 87CH07770
"It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that
the said petitioner's name be, and the same is
hereby changed from Travis Stegall AKA Travis
Dobbs to travis by which said last-mentioned name
shall be hereafter known and called.
Judge T. O'Brien Judge's No 139"
==Morgan M. Finley, Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Cook County
1990: travis completes BSGS, With Highest Distinction
1993: travis receives MA, and continues research into
"Urban Festivity"/Performance Studies with
Dr. Dwight Conquergood
(While maintaining 40-hr work week at NULS.)
1986 Beacon Street Gallery
31MAY86 LIVESTOCK! 750 Coolidge, Palatine, IL. (The water in the local waterway was a very mysterious titanium green, as was the vegetation. Hmmm.) Bands: ONO, XMeetsY For The Evening, End Result, Hostile Aliens, Pile of Cows, Das Sonenkinder, Fudge Tunnel, Gorilla Walks. Featuring Installation Art by SSPU. Show C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D ABRUPTLY BY PALATINE POLICE, and all sorts of uniformed White men with big guns.
13JUN86 ONO Opens for Pioneers of Modern Typography, Wanda And Co. Cheese. Live @ Cafe Voltaire.
Milwaukee, WI
14JUN86 ONO Live @ Randolph Street Gallery. Benefit for Experimental Sound Studio.
15JUN86 Benefit for WZRD @ Cabaret Metro. ONO, Naked Raygun, Burden of Friendship, Blood Sport,
Algebra Suicide, Effigies, Defoliants.
1986 Objects Art Gallery. Hand-painted wingtip shoes.
1986 Space Shuttle Performance Unit (SSPU)
Art Fiction
Laboratorio de Arte
1987 FRI-SAT 06-07MAR87. Axe Street Arena. 2778 N. Milwaukee. CHGO. "Waking To The Dark: A performance by Naomi Woodspring." Music by Hamid Drake & Tomas de Utera. Sculpture & Set install'n by Ginny Sykes & Jerome Bloom. Vocalist: Cinder Rand. Dancer: travis.
1987 SAT 27JUN87. "Cabaret Liberace." Axe Street Arena.
2778 N. Milwaukee. CHGO. Roof Garden. Tel: 252-6082.
8PM. Cash Bar. Benefit for Chicago House.
ACT I: ="Midnight Madonna" by travis / Ezequiel Hodari; Carlos Jimenez; LouAnne Ponder; travis; Ron Zisook. =John Bussa. ="Premonition" by Art Woodke. =Larry Steger. ="Burlington Bertie" by Bert Husband. ="Marlene" by Marchnight.
ACT II: =LIVE FROM EL'INFERNO - KETTY And Her Infernal Latin Review Of Female Illusionists - Ketty; Anna; Denise (Ta Ta); Francine; Vanessa; Marcos. With Special Guests: Jose David as La Malinche & Max as Joanna Rambal.
["L'Amour Fou" Flyer]
See Also "L'Amour Fou" Exhibition of Art by Gay and Lesbian Artists.
Axe Street Arena. Opening 13JUN, 6-9p.m. Through 05JUL
1987 FRI 27NOV87. Holiday Sale. Mickey Stanzler's. 674 N. Orleans. Handmade Clothing; Artist's Jewelry; Hand-Painted Shoes; Imported Fabric; Neon; Portraits. Works by Jenny Knowlton; Mickey Stanzler; Syeed Milky, Joe Csukor, Gena, Su, travis, & more.
1988 Compilation recording: "Die Orgasmus Big Band"
"Die Orgasmus Bigband is a excellent compilation album featuring experimental / industrial / minimal synth and post punk bands from the mid 80's. Most songs on the album revolve round one central theme namely: " the orgasm". Die Orgasmus Bigband was released on vinyl by Priapismus Records (PRIAPISMUS o.b.-001) in 1985, in a limited edition of 350 copies. The one I posted is the second edition also released by Priapismus Records (PRIAPISMUS o.b.-001) on vinyl in 1988, in a limited edition of 200 copies.
A1. Algebra Suicide - Somewhat Bleecker Street
A2. X-Ray Pop - Ejaculated Guitar In A Mousetrap's Garden
A3. No Unauthorized - Dialogue A L'Usine
A4. Kristian Jonsson - This Is Our Latest Orgasm
But Perhaps Not Our Best
A5. Berserker - X
A6. Ankles - Disco?
A7. Schlafengarten - Blowjob
A8. Armin Hofmann - Auf Die Schnelle
A9. Introverts - Fuck Fun
A10. Psychodrama - It Will Be Long And Schizophrenic
A11. Philippe Laurent - Encore, Encore
B1. Anomy - Waiting At The Station
B2. Vittore Baroni & Scarlatina Lust - Orgasmo
B3. Ice 9 - Tanzmuzik
B4. Steven Parker - Keys And Colleges
B5. HP2 - Sounds So Real You'll Think You Were There
B6. Smegma - Dancing Hairpiece Wears Two Left Shoes
B7. DDAA - Bruits Pour Un Bon Accouplement Chez Les Elephants
B8. Ono - ... Plays The Sex Show (Excerpt)
B9. Algebra Suicide - In Bed With Boys
B10. An Bene & Ska Mazda - Horizontal Linguistics
B11. C.W. Bell & Cassie O'Tone - The Conquerers
B12. Viscera - Expansion And Extension
FALL89 "travis": a simple name for a not-so-simple man" by Jana Kohl. Article. The Evening Northwestern: A Publication For Adult Students. Vol.3, No.1.
1990 Links Hall & Lower Links, Chgo.
1990 Ann Nathan Gallery
1990 ABC No Rio (NYC)
1990 Pyramid Club (NYC)
1992 FRI/SAT 26-27JUN92 "Art! Words! & Performance!" Beacon Street Gallery 4520 N Beacon St., Chgo. 26JUN: travis performance accompanied by Shirley Scott. 26-27JUN "The Shotgun Onomatopoeum" displayed. Sale price $8K.
1993 MuseumSuferFest/Germany
14SEP94 "Supervisor serves as advocate: NU law school worker has own ideas about success" by Pam Kassner. Special to the Tribune. Chicago Tribune. Gold Coast Section 7. Page 24.
OCT95 "Life begins after 5p.m." Article on "travis, Coordinator of Secretarial Services for the School of Law." By Scott Smallwood. The Northwestern Univ. Observer.02OCT95. Vol.11, No.3.
10MAY96 Mind and Sol. Mural "Five Suns" by artist Anasazi. The "'Five Suns' explains the story of our ancestors, from the creation of all living things, throughout our existence, spiritual world, before and after the arrival of the Europeans, to what we have become today in our final fifth sun, to what will be tomorrow and all living things (2007)." Performance by Arte en Movimiento and Laboratorio del Arte. Laboratorio del Arte: Patricia Bronte, Patricio Carreno, Jeffrey Gascon, Rebecca Gascon, Mark Mysliewiec, travis.
13AUG96 "How Raven Man Was Made." A Performance Adaptation by Laboratorio DeArte. Bailiwick Directors Festival. Laboratorio DeArte: Patricia Bronte, Cindy Brooke Rhoads, Jeffrey Gascon, Mark Mysliwiec, Rebecca Pavlatos, travis.
22NOV96 "Listening for my Name." An evening of entertainment during the opening reception of the gallery exhibition "disappeared" a project curated by John Paul Ricco that articulates loss and survival in the midst of the AIDS crisis. Poetry and Performances by Lydia Stux, Elizabeth Alexander, Casaluna. Casaluna are: travis, Rebecca Pavlatos Gascon, Jeffrey Gascon, Mark Mysliwiec, Patricia Bronte, Cindy Brooke Rhoads, Gregory Place, _____ _____.
1996 "Exhibit says 'Hallelujah!'" Pioneer Press. 08FEB96. DIVERSIONS: News And Views Of The Arts. Review of travis's "Plantation Chapel" installation at Noyes Cultural Art Ctr. Evanston
1996 Palette & Chisel Academy. "Songs in the City: In Support of Art Students Everywhere."
Jeffrey Gascon, Rebecca Gascon, travis.
1996 Zebra Crossing Theatre
1996 WCYC-FM
1996 Heartland Cafe
1996 Chopin Theatre
1996 "A Sense Of Place." North Suburban Fine Arts Ctr Highland Park, IL
1998 MAE/MALS Fireside. Northwestern University Library VerSteeg Lounge, Tower 3 South. "Monday, November 9th, 7:00 p.m. travis, MALS '93, will present "Performance Resources." A performance based on the evolution of his MA essay "The Role of the Shotgun House in African-American Vernacular Architecture."
2002 Pilgrim Baptist Church, Chgo.
2002 Rockefeller Chapel, Chgo. =21JAN02.
The Univ of Chicago Commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Keynote Speaker, Sen. Barack Obama.
travis sang "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" by T.A. Dorsey.
2003 =Solo Exhibition:
Capsule Gallery, Chelsea/NYC
2003 Aldo Castillo Gallery (Also 1996)
2004 Club3030 w/Marvin Tate
2004 Univ. of IL, Chgo.
2004 “Half Life” By Tracy Baim
American Theatre Co., Chgo.
Sang “America the Beautiful” at Premiere.
2005 Capsule Gallery, Chelsea/NYC
2005 Yale Law School, New Haven
2006 =Solo Exhibition:
South Side Community Art Ctr., Chgo.
2006 “Mayor Daley Salutes LGBT Veterans."
Sang: “America the Beautiful”
(Also 2005, 2004) Chgo.
2007 Bartlett Commons/VisionCity Glry/Univ.ofChgo.
2007 GLANCe/”First40”/N.Lakeside Cultural Center
2007 GLANCe/”Contrasts”/Scot’s Bar
2007 =Solo Exhibition: MidwayStudios
Courtyard Glry/Univ.ofChgo. (Also 2008)
2007 HydeParkArtCenter, “Interstellar Low Ways.”
2007 International House/King Day performance.
2007 FeelTank PathoGeographies, UIC, Chgo.
2007 Elastic Arts Foundation, Chgo.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A Few Media Interviews, Images and Publications
=04APR07. Paul Varnell, “Portrait of an Artist’s Soul: Expressionism by travis.” Chicago Free Press, at p.16.
=27APR07. Plastic Crimewave. “Secret History of Chicago Music.” Chicago Reader, at p.30.
=29APR07. WGN-AM Radio 720/Nick Digilio & Plastic Crimewave. “Secret History of Chicago Music.”
=13JUN07. “AVER….”Chicago Free Press/Freetime, at p.1.
=27JUN07. Matt Simonette, “City of Chicago Salutes GLBT Veterans at Daley Plaza.” Chicago Free Press, at p.9.
=27JUN07. travis & Matt at Pridefest.” Chicago Free Press/Freetime, , at p.20..
=31MAY06. “Members of AVER carry the rainbow flag down State Street.” Windy City Times, at p.6.
=07JUN06. Amy Wooten, “Gay Vet Salute” (p.1). City Honors LGBT Vets.” Windy City Times, at p.9
=07JUN06. Gay Veterans Honor Murdered Sailor.” Windy City Times.
=25JUN06. Windy City Times
=26JUN06. Dan Lavoie, “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We Wear Combat Gear: Out of the Military and Out of the Closet.” Daily Southtown, at p.1
=26JUN06. Lavoie article also appears (w/different photos) in: Chicago Sun-Times. See, “Gay Vets take Pride in their Military Service.” Page 16.
•ZIN (performance chapbook), Prairie Poet Books, 1979,
The Amer. Poets Fellowship Soc.
•Beyond Baroque
•Lakeside =Spring 1979, Vol.IV, No.2. "The Lily and Her Enemy"
•Spoon River Quarterly
•Free Lance
•Modern Images
•Poetry &
•Chgo Reader
•Be That Way
•Real Slick
•New Voices in Amer. Poetry
•Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick
•Chgo Sun-Times
•Chgo Tribune
•Chgo Cable Network
•Matter Magazine
•Aeon Music Magazine
•Chgo State Univ
•Earotica Music Magazine
•Evanston Cable Network
•Chgo Sun-Times, 26JUN06.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Art/Ethnotraphic Surveys Since 2000
EUROPE: Amsterdam; Antwerp; DenHaag; Dublin; Leuven; London; Maastricht; Paris; Prague; Tervuren. Thanks Conor. Thanks Elizabeth.
USA: Amory, Fulton, Itawamba and Quincy, MS (cemeteries). Tucson (cemeteries), NYC.